As we approach another pivotal election season, PBS Western Reserve is committed to empowering our community with the information and resources needed to make your voice heard. Whether you're voting for the first time or are a seasoned participant, our comprehensive guide offers everything you need to navigate the 2024 election process with confidence. From understanding the candidates and issues to knowing your voting rights and options, we're here to ensure you're fully prepared to cast your vote.
General Election, Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Voter Information Guide: Ohio
Important Dates and Quick Links
October 7, 2024: Deadline for voter registration for November 5 election. Register to vote online.
October 8, 2024: Early in-person voting begins at your county board of elections. This includes the two Saturdays and the two Sundays before Election Day. There is no early in-person voting on the Monday before election day (Monday, November 4, 2024). For early in-person voting hours, see schedule below.
October 29, 2024: Deadline to request an absentee ballot. You can request an absentee ballot 90 days before the election. Request an absentee ballot.
November 4, 2024: Mailed absentee ballots must be postmarked to be counted in the November 5 election. You can also deliver your absentee ballot to your county board of elections office by 7:30 PM on Election Day.
November 5, 2024: Election Day. Polls are open from 6:30 AM to 7:30 PM If you are in line to vote before 7:30 PM, you have the right to cast your vote. Don’t leave!
Voter Registration
What you need to register to vote online:
- Ohio driver’s license or Ohio identification card number
- Name
- Date of Birth
- Address
- Last four digits of your Social Security number
If you do not have any portion of the required information, follow this link to update your voting address using a paper form (PDF). Once you complete this form, you must sign and send it to your county board of elections.
Check your voter registration, find your voting precinct and polling location.
Early In-Person Voting Hours
October 8-11: 8 AM–5 PM
October 14-18: 8 AM–5 PM
October 21-25: 8 AM–6 PM
October 26: 8 AM–4 PM
October 27: 1 PM–5 PM
October 28: 7:30 AM–7:30 PM
October 29: 7:30 AM–8:30 PM
October 30 - November 1: 7:30 AM–7:30 PM
November 2: 8 AM–4 PM
November 3: 1 PM–5 PM
Candidate and Ballot Information
Vote411 is a tool that allows you to research the issues and candidates on your ballot. Just type in your address to get your personalized ballot information
Special Voting Circumstances
Unforeseen hospitalization that prevents you from voting in-person: If you or your minor child is confined to a hospital after the early voting by mail application deadline, you’ll need to use this form. This is applicable if your hospitalization occurred after the close of business on the seventh day before Election Day and before 3 p.m. on Election Day. For more details, visit the Ohio Secretary of State page on special voting circumstances.
Confined voters with a physical disability, illness or infirmity:Request your absentee ballot or any written application containing all the required information plus the nature of the voter’s illness, physical disability, infirmity, or confinement.
Curbside voting: You can vote curbside, if you are a voter with a disability and you are physically unable to enter your early voting location or polling location. With curbside voting, two poll workers from opposite major political parties bring out a ballot, and you have the option to sit in your vehicle to vote or vote at the door of the early voting location or polling location. If early voting, arrangements must be made to vote curbside at the early voting location prior to arrival. If voting on election day, you may send another person into the polling location to inform poll workers of your desire to vote curbside.
Acceptable Forms of ID to Vote in Ohio
- Ohio driver's license
- State of Ohio ID card
- Interim ID form issued by the Ohio BMV
- A US passport
- A US passport card
- US military ID card
- Ohio National Guard ID card
- US Department of Veterans Affairs ID card
Voter Information Guide: Pennsylvania
Important Dates and Quick Links
October 21, 2024: Deadline to register to vote for the November 5 General Election. Register to vote online.Check your registration status.
October 29, 2024: Your application for a mail-in or absentee ballot must be received by your county election office. Absentee ballot application. If you have an emergency and miss the absentee ballot application deadline, you may still be able to apply for an emergency absentee ballot.
November 5, 2024: Election Day. Polls are open 7 AM to 8 PM If you are in line to vote by 8 PM you have the right to cast your ballot. Do not leave! Your county election office must receive your completed mail ballot before polls close. Find your polling place.
Voter ID
You can present photo or non-photo ID to vote in Pennsylvania.
Approved forms of photo identification include:
- Pennsylvania driver’s license or PennDOT ID card
- ID issued by any Commonwealth agency
- ID issued by the U.S. Government
- U.S. passport
- U.S. Armed Forces ID
- Student ID
- Employee ID
Examples of non-photo identification that includes your name and address:
- Confirmation issued by the County Voter Registration Office
- Non-photo ID issued by the Commonwealth
- Non-photo ID issued by the U.S. Government
- Firearm permit
- Current utility bill
- Current bank statement
- Current paycheck
- Government check
Provisional Ballots
If you are not on the voter roster, and you believe that you are registered to vote, you can request to complete a provisional ballot. A provisional ballot records your vote while the county board of elections determines whether it can be counted.
Candidate and Ballot Information
Vote411 is a tool that allows you to research the issues and candidates on your ballot. Just type in your address to get your personalized ballot information