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Your donation matters!

PBS Western Reserve uses the power of commercial-free television and related services to enrich the lives of people through high-quality programming and educational services that teach, illuminate and inspire. As a nonprofit organization, PBS Western Reserve relies on audience support to produce and provide this content. 

There are numerous ways to help support our mission, and we encourage you to explore the following possibilities for helping to keep this organization strong and growing.

Ways to Support PBS Western Reserve


Call us at 1-800-554-4549 or email us at

Other Ways to Give

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

Bank: PNC Bank, Pittsburgh PA
Account Name: PBS Western Reserve
Routing #: 021052053
Account #: 66414447
Tax ID#: 34-1123819

Please make your check payable to: PBS WESTERN RESERVE

ADDRESS: 1750 West Campus Center Drive, Kent, OH 44240

NOTE: Be sure to include your name and address on the check or the check stub.

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