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PBS Western Reserve • Programs A-Z

Key: M=Monday; T=Tuesday; W=Wednesday; TH=Thursday; F=Friday; S=Saturday; SU=Sunday; M-F=Monday through Friday; PMT=preempted

Airtimes of one-time-only specials are indicated by day and date; ongoing series by day-of-week only. Dates that a series is preempted (PMT) are indicated in parentheses.

February 2025 | 0-9 - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


5 Minute Yoga Fix with Peggy Cappy
1p S 2/8

60s and 70s Soul Celebration
8p TH 2/20; 1p S 2/22

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ACL Presents: Willie Nelson & Family
11p S 2/15; 3a SU 2/16

Aging Backwards 3 with Miranda Esmonde-White
2a F 2/7; 10a S 2/8

All New Rock, Pop and Doo Wop
8p S 2/15; midnight SU 2/16; 8p TH 2/27; 1a F 2/28

Alma’s Way
7:30a SU-S

Amanpour and Company
11:30p M; 11p T-F (PMT 2/4, 2/6, 2/14 & 2/27); 11:30p T 2/4 & TH 2/6; 4a T-S

America’s Heartland
4:30p TH

America’s Test Kitchen
3p F

American Experience, Forgotten Hero: Walter White and the NAACP
9p T 2/25; 2a W 2/26

American Pop Flashback! Great Hits of the ‘60s and ‘70s
9p F 2/7; 2a S 2/8

Antiques Roadshow
8p M; 1a T; 2p M-F

Around Akron with Blue Green
3:30a S 2/1

6:30a SU & S; 6a M-F (PMT 2/10)

Ask This Old House
Noon S; 10:30a SU; 3:30p T

Austin City Limits
11p S; 3a SU

Awadagin Pratt: Black in America
5:30p SU 2/23

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Baking with Julia
3:30p F

BBC News
6p & 6:30p M-F; midnight T-S (PMT 2/4, 2/5, 2/7, 2/11, 2/15, 2/18 & 2/25)

Bear: Koala Hero
8p W 2/19; 1a TH 2/20; 5p M 2/24

Bee Gees: One Night Only
9p M 2/3; 2a T 2/4

Behind the Scenes of Leonardo da Vinci with Ken Burns
9p M 2/10; 2a T 2/11; 4p S 2/22

The Best of the Joy of Painting
9a S (PMT 2/8)

The Best of Sewing with Nancy
3:30p TH

Black College Football Hall of Fame: Journey to Canton
5:30p SU 2/2; 3:30a T 2/4

Black Fiddlers
11p SU 2/2; 4a M 2/3; 4a M 2/9

Buffalo Soldiers: Fighting on Two Fronts
9p M 2/17; 2a T 2/18

12:30a T

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Carl the Collector
8:30a M-F

Changing Planet
9a SU (ends 2/2)

Chautauqua at 150: Wynton Marsalis’ All Rise
10p T 2/11; 3a W 2/12

A Chef’s Life
4:30p M

Christopher Kimball’s Milk Street Television
3p M; 11a S

City Centric
6:30p S; 3:30a S 2/15

Concert for George
Noon SU 2/16; 1a F 2/21

Consuelo Mack WealthTrack
12:30a TH

Cook’s Country
4:30p F

Curious Crew
8:30a SU

8a SU

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Daniel Deronda
3p SU (ends 2/2)

Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood
9a M-F

9:30p S (ends 2/1); 1:30a SU (ends 2/2)

Death in Paradise
8p TH (ends 2/13); 1a F (ends 2/14); 7p SU (ends 2/16); midnight M 2/3; 12:30a M 2/10 & 2/17

Democracy Now!
5a T-F

Donkey Hodie
11a M-F

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Eat to Sleep
4:30p S 2/1

Elinor Wonders Why
Noon M-F (PMT 2/14)

Elton John — The Million Dollar Piano
Noon SU 2/23

Elvis Presley: ‘68 Comeback Special
2a S 2/1

Everly Brothers: Harmonies from Heaven
9p M 2/24; 2a T 2/25

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Finding Your Roots
8p T; 1a W

Firing Line with Margaret Hoover
6:30p SU (PMT 2/23)

The First Lady
10:30p M

Fit 2 Stitch
3p TH (begins 2/13)

Forum 360
5p & 5:30p M 2/3

Frontline, Battle for Tibet
10p T 2/18; 3a W 2/19

Frontline, A Dangerous Assignment: Uncovering Corruption in Maduro’s Venezuela
10p T 2/4

Funny Woman
10p SU (PMT 2/23); 3a M 2/3; 3:30a M 2/10 & 2/17; 10:30p SU 2/23; 4:30a M 2/24

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Garage with Steve Butler
4p T

The Good Road
4p TH

Great Migrations: A People on the Move
9p T (ends 2/18); 2a W (ends 2/19)

Great Performances, Andrea Bocelli 30th — The Celebration
9p F 2/28

Great Performances, Rogers & Hammerstein’s 80th Anniversary: My Favorite Things
4p SU 2/16; 9p F 2/21; 2a S 2/22

Great Scenic Railway Journeys 30th Anniversary Special
4p SU 2/9

Growing Bolder’s Launchpad to What’s Next
2p S 2/8

Grown Up Dad
3:30a T 2/25

Gut Check: HOPE for Ultimate Health with Brenda Watson
4p S 2/15

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Healthy Minds with Dr. Jeffrey Borenstein
12:30a F

The Highwaymen: Live at Nassau Coliseum
1:30p SU 2/23

History Detectives
3p W

Hope in the Struggle: The Josie Johnson Story
3a W 2/5

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Iconic America: Our Symbols and Stories with David Rubenstein, The Statue of Liberty
5p W 2/5

Independent Lens
11p SU 2/9 & 2/16; 11:30p SU 2/23

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J Schwanke’s Life in Bloom
4p W (ends 2/12); 4:30p W (begins 2/19)

Jazz Tonight
4a SU 2/23

Joanne Weir’s Plates and Places
4p F; 3:30p M

John Denver’s Rocky Mountain High
11p F 2/14

John & Yoko: Above Us Only Sky
2p SU 2/16

Johnny Mathis: Wonderful, Wonderful!
8p S 2/22; midnight SU 2/23

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Ken Burns: The National Parks
8a S 2/8

Kevin Belton’s New Orleans Kitchen
4p M

Knit and Crochet Now!
3p TH (ends 2/6)

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The Lawrence Welk Show
7p S

Legacy List with Matt Paxton
8a S (PMT 2/8)

Lidia’s Kitchen
10:30a S (PMT 2/8)

Life at the Waterhole
9a SU (begins 2/9) (ends 2/23)

Lines Broken: The Story of Marion Motley
3:30a T 2/11; 10p S 2/15; 2a SU 2/16; 3:30a T 2/18; 5:30a M 2/24

Luther Vandross — Always and Forever: An Evening of Songs at Royal Albert Hall
1:30p SU 2/2

Lyla in the Loop
8a M-F

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Make It Artsy
4p W (begins 2/19)

The Master Craftsman
4:30a M 2/10; 4:30p W 2/12; 5:30p S 2/22

Masterpiece, All Creatures Great and Small
9p SU (ends 2/23); 2a M 2/3; 2:30a M 2/10 & 2/17; 3a M 2/24; 5p F (ends 2/28)

Masterpiece, Miss Scarlet
8p SU (ends 2/16); 1a M 2/3; 1:30a M 2/10 & 2/17; 5p TH (ends 2/20)

Masterpiece, Sherlock
4p SU (ends SU 2/2); 8p S (ends 2/8); midnight SU (ends 2/9)

Memory Makeover with Daniel Amen, MD
4p S 2/8

Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood
6a SU & S

Molly of Denali
1p M-F

Moments to Remember
9p TH 2/6; 6:30p SU 2/23

Monumental Devotion: The McKinley National Memorial
1:30a S 2/1

12:30p S; 11:30a SU; 4:30p T

Mustangs: America’s Wild Horses
4:30a M 2/17

My Mama Joe: Hope & Help
5p TH 2/27

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8p W (PMT 2/19); 1a TH (PMT 2/20); 5p M (PMT 2/3 & 2/24)

Nature Cat
12:30p M-F

9p W; 2a TH; 5p T

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Odd Squad
6:30a M-F (PMT 2/10)

The Only Day We Have
4a SU 2/2


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Painting and Travel with Roger & Sarah Bansemer
9:30a S (PMT 2/8)

Pati’s Mexican Table
10a S (PMT 2/8)

PBS News Hour
7p M-F

PBS News Weekend
6p S & SU

Pinkalicious & Peterrific
11:30a M-F

Pinkalicious & Peterrific: Cupid Calls It Quits
6a M 2/10; 11:30a F 2/14

Playing Frisbee in North Korea
4a SU 2/16

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Raising Mentally Strong Kids with Daniel Amen, MD
2p S 2/15

Rick Steves’ Experiencing Europe
5a M 2/3; 3a F 2/7

Rick Steves’ Iceland
5a M 2/10

Rick Steves’ Why We Travel
1p S 2/15

Rod Stewart — Live at Royal Albert Hall
Noon SU 2/2

Rosie’s Rules
9:30a M-F

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The Savoy
1p S (ends 2/1)

Secrets of the Dead
10p W; 3a TH; 5p W (PMT 2/5)

Secrets to Pain-Free Sitting with Esther Gokhale
3a F 2/28

Sesame Street
10a M-F

The Seven Ages of Elvis
Noon SU 2/9

Stark County Courthouse: 200 Years of History, Community and Justice
3:30a S 2/8

The State of Ohio
12:30a S

Steve Lawrence & Eydie Gormé: Memories of My Mom and Dad
9p TH 2/13; 2a F 2/14

Story in the Public Square
12:30a W

Studio C Sessions
10:30p S; 2:30a SU

Supercharge Your Brain: Maximizing Your Cognitive Abilities
3p S 2/1

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Television Event
9:30p S 2/8; 1:30a SU 2/9

This Old House
11:30a S; 10a SU; 3p T

Training for Freedom
10:30p F 2/7; 5p SU 2/23

The Travelling Auctioneers
2p S 2/1; 5a SU

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Variety Studio: Actors on Actors
8:30p F; 1:30a S 2/8 & 2/22

Vintage Vessels
11a SU

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Washington Week with The Atlantic
8p F; 1a S

Welcome to My Farm
4:30p W (ends 2/5)

Whitney Houston­ — The Concert for a New South Africa (Durban)
3p SU 2/23; 1a M 2/24; 10p TH 2/27

Wild Kratts
7a SU-S

Work It Out Wombats!
10:30a M-F

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Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum
1:30p M-F 

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Yellowstone Symphony
3a F 2/21; 9:30p S 2/22; 1:30a SU 2/23

Yndi Yoga
5:30a S

Yoga in Practice
5a S

Young Forever with Mark Hyman, MD
2p SU 2/9; 9p F 2/14; 1:30a S 2/15

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