PBS Western Reserve Educational Services

Best Practices in Closing the Pandemic Learning Gap in Ohio’s Schools
Webinars and podcasts that describes how the pandemic learning gap is being handled in Ohio’s elementary, middle and high schools as well Ohio’s special needs and high school to college classrooms. Produced 2022.

The Power of Digital Storytelling
Learn about the art of digital storytelling and gain an understanding of the importance of digital tools through this free webinar series. Produced 2021.

Remote Learning K-3
REMOTE LEARNING K-3 offers you the tools and strategies to be successful with a remote learning classroom in grades K-3. (Grades K-3)

Computer Science for Your Classroom: Ohio’s Standards
The project highlights lessons from teachers who are bringing computer science concepts to their students in innovative ways. Produced 2020. (Grades K-8)

Teaching with Tech: Ohio’s Standards
TEACHING WITH TECH provides practical insights from creative educators successfully integrating the Ohio’s Learning Standards for Technology. Produced 2019. (Grades K-12)

Digital Skills: Developing Online Assessment Skills
As adults we do digital tasks on a daily basis without even realizing it. Most of these can easily be integrated into your lesson plans. Produced 2016. (Grades 3-4)

You Be the Producer
The purpose of this project is to provide guidance and resources for teachers so they can help students tell their stories digitally. Produced 2005. (Grades K-12)