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Learn more about the benefits of corporate sponsorship!

Corporate Support

Thank you for your interest in becoming a corporate sponsor with PBS Western Reserve. With PBS Western Reserve, you get high visibility, superior quality and credibility, showcased in an uncluttered media environment, and presented to an engaged audience. 


Corporate support sponsorship announcements are strictly for the identification of the sponsor, and their products and services, and cannot specifically promote these products and services. 

If needed, we are happy to work with you to create a spot that meets your unique needs and adheres to designated FCC guidelines for public television.

Below are some helpful tips to help guide you when drafting your copy.


  • Your organization’s name and location
  • A description of your products and services
  • A telephone number or website
  • A well-established slogan or positioning statement that does not include a call-to-action
  • Length of time organization has been in business
  • Statement that says your organization supports PBS Western Reserve or one of its programs



  • Superlative, qualitative language
  • Verbiage that details the usefulness, convenience or advantages of a product or service
  • Offering price, discount, or financing details, including interest rates, or indications of savings associated with product
  • Any use of the first or second person
  • Employing inducements to buy, sell, rent, lease, borrow or loan
  • Calls to action (i.e., call, visit, come, try, compare)
  • Advocating any matter of public interest
  • Use of jingles or any language in music
  • Use of moving pictures which may be considered promotional or commercial in nature


PBS Western Reserve does not accept corporate support that involves:

  • Tobacco, weapons, distilled alcohol, or illicit drugs of any kind
  • Adult content or themes
  • Gambling
  • Political and public issues advertising
  • Discriminatory or violent messages
  • Material that violates laws, rules or regulations
  • Messages containing deceptive, fraudulent, misleading or false information
  • Material promoting pyramid or multi-level marketing organizations
  • Material that promotes products directly to children
  • “M” rated video games or “R” rated movies


All underwriting messages are reviewed by PBS Western Reserve before it is cleared to air. We reserve the right to remove previously approved material if the station later determines that the material is not consistent with or does not comply with underwriting guidelines.

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