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Nova, Edible Insects

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Nova, Edible Insects

Nova, Edible Insects

Wednesday, Oct. 20, at 9 PM

Repeats Thursday, Oct. 21, at 2 AM and Tuesday, Oct. 26, at 5 PM

Take a leap across cultural and culinary boundaries to explore the insect food industry and how it could benefit our health and our warming planet. 

From Thailand to Texas, cricket farmers are showing how tiny critters stack up as an environmentally friendly alternative to beef protein. In fact, as one of the show’s many gastro-surprises reveals, insects make animal protein vastly more efficiently than cows and, pound for pound, deliver far better nutritional value than the finest steak.

NOVAEdible Insects Promo

Take a tasty look at insect foods that could benefit our health and our warming planet.